Poetry Challenge #11-Spring Fling

Spring is busting out all over! Crocus and daffs are blooming, birds are twittering, bees are buzzing…

About those bees!!!

Public service announcement: Enjoy the dandelions—but don’t pull or mow them yet. Dandelions are one of the first, the only sources of food for bees in early spring.

For that matter: let all those dried up sticks and twigs and dried grasses in your flower beds BE for now—UNTIL THE TEMPERATURES RISE ABOVE 50!

Ladybugs are sleeping in those stems, so are other pollinators. Give them a chance to wake up and shake the dust of winter from their weensy wings and FLY! …they’ll still be time to clean up the yard.

Spring is early this year, too, weather-wise and calendar wise.

Leap year is one reason for it, but only one.

Like all things pertaining to change and growth and love and roses . . .

Blame it on the moon!

Poetry Challenge #11

Spring Fling

A funny thing about spring—Flowers and bees aside—Spring is fickle. Poetically speaking, it can never seem to make up its mind. Sometimes Spring is a noun. Sometimes its a verb. Sometimes an adjective. And, even, when whimsy and wit or dimwit wills, an adverb.

For this poem, let’s embrace Spring in all it’s fickle forms by writing a spring poem using the word spring at least once as every part of speech you can: noun, verb, adjective, adverb—more power to you if you can figure out how to work Spring into a prepositional position.

And, because what would spring be without birds, bees, and the moon, work them in your poem, too!

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing!

Don’t Think About it, Write It!

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge 2700+ days ago. Now we take turns creating prompts to share with you. Our hope is that creatives—children & adults—will use our prompts as springboards to word play time. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

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