Inspiration Station Kelly Bennett Inspiration Station Kelly Bennett

What Inspires Me? Goldfish Love

Goldfish are not only funny, they are smart! And, surprising…if you doubt me, check this out.

This photo is not a hoax.

Nor did Norman have anything to do with Gabriel taking a flying leap?

As far as I know, Norman doesn’t even know a goldfish named Gabriel.

But if he did, I’m sure they’d be very good friends!

This photo was snapped by a friend in Fairfield, Connecticut.

As far as we know, Gabriel is still out there, swimming at large.

So, be on the look out for a swim-away goldfish. Although…

Check out that reward. WTF??????????

only 27cents?

That’s not exactly what we call Goldfish Love…

mild like maybe…

but, LOVE???

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