Book in the Oven: Dance Y'all Dance!

One of my editors and I have joked about how creating a book is sort of like making a petri-dish baby. This is especially true of books written by one person and illustrated by another. The author part of the team begins the process by providing the egg--the text for the story. The potential parents—the editor or editorial team—sifts through art samples to find the perfect artist—sperm donor—whose talent (think DNA) when blended with the story will bring it to life. A good editor is the mid-wife who supports, coaxes, wheedles, and encourages the birthing process, ever alert for potential problems. To complete the metaphor, the publishing house is the womb where the baby will be nurtured and grow, and hopefully flourish.As you might imagine, for us egg donors, er authors, the period between selling a story and learning who has been chosen illustrator can be excruciating and worrisome; so much of a picture book’s success depends on the illustrations. I’m rethinking this whole surrogate parenting book creation idea now because I just learned who has been chosen to contribute the other half of the DNA for my next picture book. Lucy Chambers and the team at Bright Sky Press has selected Terri Murphy to illustrate my Texas Two-steppin’, night at the Dance Hall picture book, Dance Y’all, Dance! When I learned the news, I immediately Googled Terri. Since we are going to be parents, it follows that I would like to find out all I can about her, doesn’t it? Clicking onto Terri Murphy’s website felt a little sneaky and cheaty, but fun at the same time, like Internet dating (not that I’ve ever tried Internet Dating…) She not only has pictures of her art posted, she also has photos of her work areas, her life, her clutter, and a blog! It was like I was peeping in her windows—very nice windows I might add, with fabulous, fun art. Dance Y’all is a bouncy story full of colorful characters and as I click-clicked around her website, I became more and more excited that Terri was the artist who is going to bring my baby to life. Still, I kept looking over my shoulder thinking someone was going to catch me spying. But then I thought, hey, who’s to say Terri Murphy hasn’t Googled me, too? She may even be reading this note…