My friend, children's book author and fellow VCFA grad, Barb Crispin sent the following note in response to our weekly group check-in:

Does anyone else notice the "no writing" virus  that has infected us?  N1W1 spreads through the ethernet. I'm sorry I gave it to Sharry and Kelly. Seems like Trinity has had it lately. Who's next?  There doesn't seem to be any way to protect yourself.

How wonderful to have friends here who will hold our hands as each of us suffers the pain of N1W1-- fear, avoidance, guilt. Once it is past, each writer picks up a manuscript thankful to be able to focus on some cherished story idea once again.

If only there was a vaccine!

Ahhhhhh, so that's what this is...

Help! Someone out there must know a cure!

Barb's Picture Book is a delightful read!