Stuck in Writerly Discontent...HERE COMES THE SUN

You know how sometimes, suddenly, on the bleakest day...or week....or month, the sun break through? Writing-wise, I've been having one of those months. Now, when it should be spring and my writer's heart should be abuzz with springish ideas: birds, flowers, brand new picture books... it's still dark, dreary winter. It's been a long long long winter of  writerly discontent. And I was sick and tired of it--

Then came the sun!

That warm, bright golden ray of sunshine came in the form of a note from Robyn Conley, Book Doctor,  writer, friend, savant.

I might have mentioned (in a whinny, sniveling sentence or two) that I was being a writing slug. And, Dr. Robyn came through with exactly the prescription I needed.

"Have you ever heard Jodi Thomas' talk about the seasons for writers?  When we're in the 'winters,' she says, we're to read more of what we love and fall into infatuation with words and phrasings again.  Before long our desire to pen prose just as wonderful is irresistible and we're dancing in the spring time of tappeting, tappeting, tappeting across the keyboard."

And then, she tossed in the title of an " inspirational/prompt-filled writing book.... It's been out since 1999, but is available on Amazon.  Room to Write by Bonni Goldberg."

That's all I'm sharing--cause I've got a reading prescription to fill--besides if you want the Book Doctor's help curing what's ailing you, give her a call!