What Inspires Me? #6 Paper Sculpting

Calvin Nicholls is an artist, a sculpture. His medium of choice: paper

Paper is my medium of choice, too. I click away on a computer, sure, but as a substitute for paper (and slave to technology) not by choice. Paper is my happy place. I scribble on it, print on it, stack it, cut it, tear it, crumple it—toss it into the recycle bin, too (rarely score a 3-pointer), and while sometimes my paper scribbles inspire art. My paper is not art.

Calvin Nicholls shapes, molds, cuts, transforms paper into art. Just look:

Here’s a cardinal.

Here’s Calvin Nicoll’s cardinal.

What’s so appealing about creating paper sculpture? Here’s a snippet from Calvin Nicholls:

I still recall working on my first bird sculpture and marveled at how my interest in drawing, model making, sculpting and photography blended so beautifully with my life long interest in wildlife and the natural world…Every piece is a discovery of sorts too. I’m always learning with each
new sculpture.

To see more about Calvin Nicolls and read about his process—and see more of his paper sculptures, click over to his website: Calvin Nicolls


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