Inspiration Kelly Bennett Inspiration Kelly Bennett

Mistakes-Retake-Delete-Discovery: Gifts in Unexpected Places

So, about my blog posting for today: I wrote it, pictures and all, then by mistake, I deleted it.

Or the Dog might have eaten it. I found this dog in Google. Maybe it spotted my blog post and ate it...could be why it looks like this?

Or the Dog might have eaten it. I found this dog in Google. Maybe it spotted my blog post and ate it...could be why it looks like this?

But the idea for my blog post was still fresh and exciting, so I rewrote it, pushed save. Then decided to be clever and add another photo, but instead of clicking "save" I must have clicked "delete" somehow--although I can't think how I would have???? Anyway, it was gone again.

But this time, instead of trying to redo it, I tried to find it. One way the online advice said to recover a lost blog post is do do a Google Search. So I did. Following instructions,  I typed in my name and what I could recall of the blog title: "Cinderella" something????
                                                 And made an amazing DISCOVERY:

The Google Search pulled up another Kelly Bennett's Blog--this one is a photographer. Curious: I began clicking through. And this Kelly Bennett, with her photos and her encouraging, inspiring words to a cheerleader girl in those photos, and a bandana pirate baby, and upbeat post about jello delighted me.

In hopes it will delight you, too. Because that's how these Gifts from Unexpected Places come, I've attached the link below:

Hope it inspires/feeds you what you need today. And, I hope you'll come back and view my blog again, soon. Who knows, by that time I may have found that missing slipper-er blog post. Or something better!

Happy reading/viewing!

Here's the link if the hyperlink is on the blink:

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